Facebook Personalized Usernames
If you or one of your companies has had a Facebook account since before June 9, you can register, e.g., http://www.facebook.com/[companyname] as a Facebook username starting tonight at 10:01 p.m. MDT. See http://www.facebook.com/help.php?page=897. If you qualify, you may wish to register that (those) username(s) with Facebook to prevent third parties from doing so. If you did not have an account before June 9, the window opens for a company or person to register personalized usernames on June 28.
To be clear, anyone who had an account before June 9 can register a personalized username starting tonight, so you personally could go in and register, e.g., http://www.facebook.com/[companyname] if you wished and if you had an account before June 9 and if you meet Facebook's other qualifications for a personalized username.
All trademark owners will likely also want to complete the form here: http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=username_rights to stop third parties from registering one or more of their trademarks as usernames. You may do this even if you do not have a Facebook account.
To be clear, anyone who had an account before June 9 can register a personalized username starting tonight, so you personally could go in and register, e.g., http://www.facebook.com/[companyname] if you wished and if you had an account before June 9 and if you meet Facebook's other qualifications for a personalized username.
All trademark owners will likely also want to complete the form here: http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=username_rights to stop third parties from registering one or more of their trademarks as usernames. You may do this even if you do not have a Facebook account.